Dark on Light Stone Marbles: Typical stone marbles (such as the ones at Sample Pages #1 and #2) have lighter dots of color on top of darker dots of the same color. That style has been around for centuries, and is achieved by adding a drop or two of gall into the dominant color each time you want a slightly paler shade (gall makes the color spread a bit more, and become paler) -- a fairly obvious technique that I had figured out long ago on my own without even trying. But what about darker dots on top of lighter ones, and then darker ones yet on top of those, etc.? Well yes, it's possible, but getting the mixtures of colors just right is whole lot more complicated, since the darkest dots have to have more gall than the paler ones. All of these samples have at least four levels of the dominant color.
I put a spray of little white specks as the final step on these next three, as I often do on stone marbles, just to break things up a bit and add more detail.
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