Set of Dishes:  I got a commission to make a paper for Neiman-Marcus, the classy department store company headquartered in Dallas, which they wanted to print onto some chinaware dishes.  They chose this weird free-form pattern for some reason, which is not a bit typical of my usual styles.  They sent me a sample of the particular dark blue that they wanted, which was the hardest color that I ever had to match -- I had to mix 9 different pigments from 5 different manufacturers in order to get it right.  Then they went and modified the color anyway, and made it all lighter and more turquoise!  The pattern was printed on some nice thick dishes from Italy.

This is a section of the paper that I made for them to copy from:

Later I got another set of the dishes -- and they had modified the colors back again, to the original color of the paper -- much better!


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